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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Server Error - Debug on
  2. How can I see the backend?
  3. Missing Tables
  4. Tables are empty
  5. Images are not shown
  6. I don't need multi language
  7. Discord widget not working
  8. There is no tracking information for current branch.

Debug on

You want to see the error message instead of "Server Error xxx"? Then edit the .env and put the APP_DEBUG=true DEBUGBAR_ENABLED=true After that you will see a error message instead of server error. When you done editing the .env file run php artisan config:cache

How can I see the backend?

Probably there is no account registered yet that has the rights.
Table DB_SILKROAD.model_has_roles
Replace X with your id. You can find your id in that table DB_SILKROAD.users the id!

role_id model_type model_id
3 App\User X

Hint: You can use the command php artisan import:silkroad-accounts to get all your Silkroad Accounts into that web database. The Accounts need a Name + E-Mail set.

Missing Tables

You forgot to run that command php artisan migrate

Tables are empty

You forgot to run that command php artisan db:seed

Images are not shown

You forgot to run that command php artisan storage:link

Multi language

If you don't need multi language for your page, you can simple delete the other language. Just open the config/app.php and search for locale_enabled, there you can delete the other language. After that you need to run that command php artisan config:cache to recache your whole config and make the changes visible.

But if you are saying you need one more language, check the resources/lang folder. For each language you need a separated folder. That folder name is the key in the locale_enabled array.

Discord widget

Your Discord server needs server-widgets activated. Then it can take some time to make it work.

Git pull

When you are trying to use git pull but there is a error message that there is no tracking information for current branch use this Command.

git remote add origin
git pull origin master --rebase